1. AutoCAD submission drawing done in standard format is opened in AutoDCR
through BPAMS.
2. Case type, whether proposed development or
amalgamation/subdivision is identified. If proposed
development, then building use (residential, commercial etc.),building
structure(low- rise, high-rise etc.) is auto-detected by
AutoDCR from drawing.
3. BPAMS and AutoDCR is integrated to associate documental data with drawing.
4. AutoDCR reads data from drawing, establishes relationship between various
5. Analysis is done as per development control regulations by AutoDCR. Tables
and report are saved with drawing. It will take about
3-5 minutes to save the file.
6. Some tables are generated in drawing like area statement, FSI table per
building, summery of FSI calculations, opening
schedules, water/parking calculations, triangulation area for plot, area
block diagram with dimension, required margin regions,
coverage per building etc.
7. Some reports are generated like Drawing scrutiny report, failed list report,
check list report which are send to BPAMS for making
status available online.